Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008

Nofie Iman Blog

If you are interest with business or financial information.Then I would like to introducing all of you to nofie iman website.
This is one of local blogs that I visited regulary.

If I remember First time I landed on his website place once read about " Bagaimana menjadi konglomerat " it is almost four years ago.Then untill know I visit his blog just to check if there's new topic that I can read.

You can find more about nofie iman through his site.
Sometime it is not just about financial related,you will find others topic that nofie write on his blog.

More about nofie iman you will find through this link

As an Indonesian I salute to him
Note :

This is free review pure from me base on my opinion and my point of view.

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