Minggu, 14 September 2008

Second reason why should I start an online business?

There’s so many reason why should I start an online business. You may already know the first reason to start an online business is low start up cost. And now the second reason why should I start an online business? Simply if you start real offline business you may shoot local market as your target. While if you start real online business you may shoot global market as your target.

It is mean if you start online business you have larger potential market through internet. You can also promote your product that you want sell or service that you want to rent globally.While it is different with offline business your main potential market still plays at local area.
Eventhough the internet offer large potential market for you in the end you must consider to select and localized your potential customer. It is Depend with your product that you want sell or service that you want to rent.

Going global means you have a large potential market.Gain opportunity with larger audience.But again …It is depend with your product that you want sell or service that you want to rent. if you are selling real estate or apartment in Jakarta, you are going to have a select and localized audience.

Whether going online or offline business .You must choose your products or services carefully.What and where is your potential buyer or customer that will buy or rent your product.
But since I start with online business I try to choose a product that I can sell consumable product with global audience.

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